Libertab is a web platform that allows you to catalog your books, organize them, write worknotes and keep trace of what you lend out. It disposes of a tag-list system that allows you to dynamically compose book lists for your projects, analyze statistics and generate bibliographies.
First, sign up! Then you can immediately start adding some books and managing your library
You have three options:
That's easy, you just have to type your keyword in the home searchbar. Use the Advanced Search options in order to specify the fields to be searched (Notes are not delected by default). Tip: use aut:xxx, tit:yyy and tag:zzz (no spaces allowed) if a keyword refers to the author, the title or a tag of a book.
Click on the gear icon [] on the very right (column: Action) and you will be redirected to the edit page. You can easily find it in the "My Books" section.
It's possible to organize books by lists. First, create a new list in Tools → Lists. You can add books to it in two different ways:
Tools → Lists
Tools → Lists → Create
Tools → Lists → Edit
From Tools → Lists → Manage you'll be able to see all your lists and generate bibliographies.
Tools → Lists → Manage
Multiple forms of sharings are allowed. In Tools → Sharings you will find your Sharing control panel, from which you will be able to manage your sharings and to access to libraries, lists and books shared with you.
Tools → Sharings
Tools → Sharings → Delete mode
Through Libertab it's possible to manage a basic loans system. The normal mode allows the possibility for each book to set the name of who borrowed it. If you want something more, activate Advanced Lending Options in User → General Settings. In this way you will be able to insert for every loan the borrower's name, a contact (mail or phone), the date in which the book was lent and the date it's supposed to come back. You will be able have a global overview and manage all your loans from Tools → Loans.
Advanced Lending Options
User → General Settings
Tools → Loans
In Tools → stats you can see some general statistics regarding your account. Be careful in reading the tag graph! The total number on which the pie is generated is not the total numer of books in your library, but the total number of tags registered. Thus, if you have associated just one tag to each book feel free to interpret the pie literally, otherwise take it as an indicative idea.
Tools → stats
Libertab can be customized and configured very much. In User → Profile you have the possibility to set some important preferences. Hovering with the mouse on each label will open a small explanatory tooltip. Below, in "Booktable Settings" you can choose what to display in your booktables and what to hide. Don't worry if you uncheck something, the registered data will not be deleted. You also have the possibility to add three optional field, in this case remember to set their name too once you've checked them.
User → Profile
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