ABOUT Libertab.org is a web-based application that allows you to catalogue and organize your books, manage your files, write book-related work notes, keep trace of what you lend out and share your lists and your work with other people. Libertab.org is not responsible for any of the materials published or uploaded on the website by its users.
PRIVACY & COOKIES Libertab.org is a non-profit project. It's free and it doesn't make money through its users. Users' data stored on our server are accessible only by the users themselves and, when needed, by the staff if technical support is asked. Users can download in any moment their personal library database in different formats. Sharings are managed entirely by the users. Once they are revoked, the other user completely loses the access to that particular item. Sharings work in read-only mode: chosen users can view but not edit a shared item. This site uses cookies in order to function. All cookies are used ONLY for technical reasons. No profiling activity will take place nor anything concerning the users and their use of Libertab.org is sold to or shared with third parties. Logging activities are registered by the system to monitor the website functioning, but no external cookies are used for this purpose.
CONTACT To contact us use this page. Libertab.org is powered by Graytape Productions.
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